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South Africa

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Become A Litter Hero

Become a litter hero

The huge strides we need to take to create the clean parks, beaches and streets we all want to see, is made up of small individual steps, picking up a single piece of litter could be your first step.

Become a litter heroPrevention and elimination are vital in reducing litter and cleaning up your ‘hood for good. Through its campaign, Woodlands Dairy hopes to prevent littering through education. “The action of publicly cleaning up litter, in public places is an act of advocacy and education, which speaks louder than words,” remarks First Choice GM: Sales and Marketing, Tinus Pretorius. “It highlights an issue that becomes as accepted as it is prevalent and damaging. By picking up litter, you make the statement that litter and littering are not acceptable.

So how can you become a litter hero?

• Produce less waste and choose products that have minimal packaging or are recyclable or biodegradable.

And remember:
o REFUSE what you don’t need
o REDUCE what you do need
o REUSE what you already have
o RECYCLE what you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse
o ROT the rest

• When you go shopping take your own cloth shopping bag

• Say no to the straw, but if you need one to say, sip on your smoothie, invest in a bamboo straw that you can wash and reuse

• The next time you walk anywhere and spot a piece of litter on the ground, in a bush or on a bench, grab it and bin it but remember to keep it safe and clean!

• Take part in community clean-ups, and if there isn’t one planned, organise one yourself.

• Spread the word and share your reasons for preventing litter, you will be making a change and spreading change by changing mindsets and habits.


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