There are regimes that you follow for yourself to keep your health the best it can be. Everyone knows about fitness, not taking abusive substances, drinking in moderation and staying trim. But did you know that certain veggies do “more” than others in keeping cancer at bay or pumping up your immune system?
Cruciferous Veggies
Certain vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family have sulphur containing compounds in spades. You will recognise them by their pungent flavours. When broken down, a chemical reaction converts these compounds into isothiocyanates (ITCs) which can prevent cancer. And if this is not enough they also contain antibacterial and antiviral elements to help keep diseases at bay.
To help keep cancer at bay, it is said that the following vegetables must find their way onto your menu: beet greens, cabbage (green and red), bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, kale, horseradish, kohlrabi, mustard greens, arugula, Brussels sprouts, radishes, watercress and turnip greens.
Other Veggies that add to your health
The smell of onions frying in a pan is enough to increase your appetite.They are great for preventing or healing cancer, allergies; heart disease and for reducing high blood pressure.
Garlic not only enhances flavour to your favourite dish, it is a natural antiseptic; preventing cancer, clearing infections, and warding off colds. According to research it may prevent or alleviate chronic diseases, such as, arthritis, cancer, strokes and immune disorders.
Eaten cooked or raw tomatoes can prevent cancers, especially cancer of the prostate, sustains the immune system and has a considerable amount of dietary fibre.
A great digestive, beets have detoxifying properties making them great for your organs. They help supply oxygen to your cells and promote red blood cells. Being high in fibre as well prevents heart disease and cancers.
Spinach is rich in Vitamin C and B, keeping you relaxed yet energised. It not only prevents colds, infections, cancer and heart disease, but helps to keep your skin looking nourished too.
Filled with vitamin B, artichokes are a great support for the liver. It’s detoxifying qualities increase mental awareness and promote the immune system.
Get rid of toxins with asparagus and its pure diuretic powers. It is cleansing and anti-inflammatory to the body, lowering the risk for cancer and heart disease. It’s also a wonderful way to alleviate irritable bowel syndrome.
Red bell pepper is effective against disease by being a formidable immune builder. These properties are not as powerful in the yellow or green peppers.
Sweet potatoes are filled with strong anti-oxidant, anti-viral, and anti-cancer properties, making them far healthier than normal potatoes. They’re also full of Vitamin E and fibre which is a sure way to keep your skin healthy.
Mushrooms can be easily cooked and added to many tasty dishes. Their properties can decrease most cancers, reduce the risk of breast cancer and in most cases prohibit blood supply to tumours.
It is not really difficult to add this wonderful array of good stuff to your daily fare, helping your body stay at peak health!