Cell Phone Snatching on the increase, West of Pretoria
Fidelity ADT warns of an increase in pedestrians being targeted while waiting on the side of the road for an e-hailing service while waiting for public transport commuting to and from work or even just walking on the street.
Charnel Hattingh: Group Head of Marketing & communications for Fidelity ADT says, “The issue of cell phone snatching happens any time of day, whether people are dining at a restaurant and leave the cell phone on the table or if they are waiting outside on the pavement for an Uber or public transport.
I urge everyone to be vigilant. We have noticed a re-emerging trend where criminals are driving around pretending to be an e-hailing service looking for opportunities to commit crimes.
The number of incidents has increased in recent weeks. We have seen an increase in the west of Pretoria. Hattingh says “These criminals will pretend to be Ubers and target unsuspecting victims. We are urging residents to be vigilant. People are also being targeted outside shopping centers.
She offers residents the following advice to keep safe:
- Make sure you know what the load-shedding roster is so that you can plan your walk to a certain destination. Never walk in darkness so ensure you can return home before it is dark
- Don’t walk with earphones listening to music. You have to be able to look and listen
- Where possible walk with someone to just make you a little less vulnerable Two people can also help to identify the perpetrators and the vehicle they are traveling in better than one. This will help us to get the criminals behind bars and to keep them there
- If you are a victim of an attempted phone snatching, try to get a description of the perpetrators or their vehicle so that you can quickly communicate what you know to security or police and they can immediately react on this. Remember to report the incident even if it was just an attempt. A crime is not a crime and will not get recorded unless it is reported
- Hide your valuables/cell phone in your bag or inside jacket pocket. You need to ensure your phone is not visible to passers-by. You must also never talk on your phone while out walking as this makes you an easy target
Tips and Tricks to Prevent Cell Phone Snatching
Cell phone snatching has become a concerning issue, particularly in areas like the west of Pretoria. To ensure your safety and minimize the risk of falling victim to this crime, here are some tips and tricks to follow:
1. Stay Informed:
– Stay updated with the local load shedding roster to plan your walks and avoid being out in the dark. Try to complete your activities before it gets dark, reducing vulnerability.
2. Stay Aware and Alert:
– Avoid wearing earphones or listening to music while walking. It’s important to be able to use your senses to stay aware of your surroundings and potential threats.
3. Buddy System:
– Whenever possible, walk with a companion. Having someone with you not only reduces your vulnerability but also enhances safety by providing an additional witness who can help identify perpetrators or their vehicles. Two pairs of eyes are better than one.
4. Gather Information:
– If you are a victim of an attempted phone snatching, try to gather as much information as possible about the perpetrators or their vehicle. This includes noting their physical descriptions, the vehicle make, model, color, and license plate number. Communicate this information promptly to security or the police so they can respond effectively.
5. Report All Incidents:
– Regardless of whether the snatch attempt is successful or not, always report the incident to the authorities. It’s essential to have crimes recorded to help law enforcement track trends, allocate resources, and take necessary actions to prevent future incidents.
6. Conceal Valuables:
– Keep your cell phone and other valuables hidden from view. Place them inside a bag or an inside jacket pocket. Avoid displaying your phone or other expensive belongings in public, as it can attract the attention of potential thieves.
7. Avoid Phone Conversations:
– Refrain from talking on your cell phone while walking in public. Engaging in phone conversations makes you an easy target as it distracts your attention from your surroundings. Stay focused and attentive to minimize the risk of being targeted.
8. Cooperate and Prioritize Safety:
– In the unfortunate event of a phone snatching or robbery, prioritize your personal safety above all else. Criminals are often nervous and desperate, and resisting them may escalate the situation and potentially result in harm. It is generally advisable to comply with their demands and avoid confrontations.
9. Educate Your Children:
– Ensure that you communicate these safety measures to your children as well. Teach them about the risks of phone snatching and the importance of being cautious while out in public. By raising awareness and promoting safety practices among children, you contribute to the overall security of your community.

By Following these tips and tricks, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of cell phone snatching. Stay vigilant, stay safe, and encourage others to adopt these preventive measures as well.
Make sure that your children are educated on safety and this is communicated to your children so everyone understands how to prevent being a victim.
“Remember that criminals are usually nervous and working under pressure so they can make mistakes. It is better to just give them what they want and avoid being injured.
Article Provided and Rewritten by ShowMe Online Media