ShowMe South Africa

Baboon Point is the preferred fishing spot in Elands Bay, just south of town because the surf zone along the coast is often very rough and the Atlantic tempartures are icy year-round. This spot is easily accessible by road. From the rocks you can catch galjoen during the winter months and hottentot all year round. The best baits to use for the fish are: white and black mussels, redbait and mussel worms.

Crayfish can also be caught, but only during the crayfish season and then only once a permit has been obtained.

Further north along the coast, towards Lamberts Bay, and easily accessible from the car, are some rock outcrops, starting at Grootrif and ending at Duin se Rit.

The quaint Elands Bay fishing spot of Baboon's PointGetting there: the R366 going in to Elands Bay crosses the Verlorenvlei estuary at the R399 turnoff. Cross the estuary and continue along the R366 (now a gravel road) through Elands Bay town, to Baboon Point which is the rocky outcrop just past the old harbour.



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