ShowMe South Africa

Matjiesfontein, Karoo, South Africa

Matjiesfontein, Karoo, South Africa

Matjiesfontein in the Karoo, is a living museum of Victorian life in the Cape around 1884 and was declared a National Monument on 12 September 1975. The story of why this little town developed in the middle of nowhere is extremely fascinating. Two things happened to kick start Matjiesfontein.

Diamonds were discovered in Kimberley which prompted the then Cape Prime Minister, John Molteno, to commission a railway line to connect Cape Town’s port to the diamond fields. And then there was James Logan. Ship wrecked off Cape Town at an early age, he decided to stay there, and was employed as a penniless porter at the newly built Cape Town Station.

He was so capable, he soon became superintendent, and was then promoted to supervise the large area of railway around Matjiesfontein. Here the dry Karoo air cured his nagging cough, and he was able to concentrate on providing the sorely needed food and lodging for the thousands of travellers to Kimberley. In 1884 he bought the land at Matjiesfontein, planted trees, built his home, Tweeside Lodge, got married and started creating a place so popular, that the likes of Cecil John Rhodes, Winston Churchill and Oliver Schreiner made regular visits. Olive’s cottage still stands and is a village landmark, and Logan’s home was the first private dwelling in SA with electric lighting and flushing toilets.

Matjiesfontein, Karoo, South Africa

James Logan went on to make a fortune, and had investments and businesses across South Africa. Today, we have his legacy here at Matjiesfontein, which is still a convenient stop over spot, on the N1, 250km from Cape Town, and en-route to Johannesburg.

The entire town, which is really only a street, is true to the Victorian era, from costumes to restaurants and accommodation establishments. Walk around the village and enjoy the magnificent flora, fauna and historical buildings or bring your bike. Matjiesfontein has also become a chosen venue for weddings and events.

Matjiesfontein Lord Milner Hotel, Karoo, South AfricaSleep in a Victorian Hotel, The Lord Milner. The Coffee House and the Laird’s Arms Pub offer yummy breakfasts, coffees, teas, drinks and lunches. At night, eat at the Lord Milner in a special atmosphere. You will find two museums, the Marie Rawdon Museum and the transport museum with the London Bus, vintage trains and cars.

An alternative way to get to Matjiesfontein is by the Shosholoza Meyl train that leaves from Cape Town Station every day at 10H00, and takes between 5½ to 7 hours to get there. The trip is interesting and you can make it part of the experience. The tickets are not too expensive and you have a choice between first and third class (+27 (0)11 774 4555).

For information on other towns in the Karoo, visit ShowMe Central Karoo.


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