ShowMe South Africa

Hunting Area, Olivewood Ranch, Bedford

Set in the historical heartland of the East Cape, Olivewoods game ranch is over 5500 hectare (13585 acres) in size and abounds with game.

Mark Whitehead and his wife Tracey own and run Mark Whitehead Safaris on the ranch Olivewoods. Mark has a passion for the fauna and flora of the region, and he has successfully rehabilitated the vegetation and re-introduced impala, steenbok, springbok, hartebeest, wildebeest, blesbok and Zebra, to name a few. We accommodate rifle, bow and black powder hunters.

Ornithology has always been a hobby of Marks and he has an expert knowledge of the local birds and a broad knowledge of most of the birds of the Southern African region. Mark’s latest quest is to improve his knowledge of the local plants; their common names, scientific names and the uses to which the locals put them.

Visitors can be housed in the historic homestead of Hollowdene – this historic house dates back to the 1830s. The South African pioneer, Louis Trichardt stayed in this homestead and farmed the sheep and cattle in the area.

It was from this very homestead that he started his great trek to the north, which finally ended in modern day Maputo.

The alternative accommodation choice is the more rustic bush camp which is situated within ½km of the Hollowdene homestead, in a thicket of indigenous trees.

There are 5 2-man tents, a large 6 man tent, and two ablution areas with hot showers and flush toilets. The entertainment area includes an outdoor boma and indoor dining and kitchen area. This is an ideal place to return to after a day in the bush – a place to exchange stories of the day’s game sightings while enjoying a scrumptious meal by the fireside.

There is a large dam near the bush camp where the visitor can enjoy bird watching, fishing or boating.

Olivewoods is located less than 2 hours’ drive from Port Elizabeth. From Port Elizabeth, take the N10 towards Cradock, and turn off to the right at Sheldon Station about 130 km north of Port Elizabeth. Follow the dirt road around to the right. Take the first turn to the left, down the hill, and cross the Fish River. Take the next road left (marked Bedford). Continue until you get to Olivewoods. 100m further on, take the next road right to Hollowdene. Follow the dirt road for about 30km to the ranch.

Cell: +27 (0)82 563 8043: Email. Website

More info on the town of Bedford More info on the Amatola Region


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