Theuniskraal Wine Estate is situated in the beautiful Winterhoek Valley about 7Km outside the town of Tulbagh. Agriculture in the valley goes way back to the 17th century making it one of the oldest farming areas in South Africa. In fact, Theuniskraal was the first white wine estate to be established in the country.
The valley is surrounded by the Witzenberg, Obiqua and the Winterhoek mountains at an altitude of just over 2000m creating the perfect microclimate for the growing of quality grapes. The cold winter weather and the shadows of the mountain peaks allow the grapes to grow slowly in season and lie dormant in winter when the surrounding peaks are often covered in snow. The sandy, well-drained soils with excellent drainage provide the perfect growing conditions. The deep flavours are preserved by harvesting the grapes in the cool of early morning followed by gentle handling and minimum manipulation.
The results speak for themselves. The excellent Theuniskraal wines are exported throughout the world – Riesling, Chardonnay, Bouquet Blanc as well as a Ruby Cabernet/Cabernet Sauvignon blend – and can be tasted at the following hours:
Monday to Friday: 9h00 to 12h00 and 13h00 to 17h00
Saturday: 9h00 to 13h00
Tel: +27 23 230 0689 Email
For more information visit: Theuniskraal
More info on the town of Talbagh | More info on the Breede Valley area |