There are a number of dams in the Komatipoort area, the largest being Drikoppies Dam. All these dams are well-stocked with Florid Large Mouth Bass, Small Mouth Bass, Yellowfish, Tigerfish, Tilapia and other fish species.
The Komatipoort is particularly known for good-sized tigerfish which can be found in the dams and the Komati River, though the bass are also known to get big as well as being in abundance.
Remember to take a few earthworms and floats for kurper while you spin for tiger. Trim some fresh bait for the tigers as they are very fond of fresh meat – try fillet a kurper, take off the skin and cover in Mercurochrome drops.
Tips: Remember to take your malaria pills and if you stay in the caravan park make sure they close the gate at night as hippos can wander into the park. Be vigilant next to the water as there are very large crocodiles. Avoid the sand at the edge of the river as it is difficult to get your vehicle out once it is stuck.
As most of the dams are on private property, it is best to contact Craig McClean, who can take you to all the best spots. Tel: 079 186 6423. Craig works out of the River Hill Lodge, where Michele can help you with accommodation. Tel: 013 7937855. E-mail.
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